using Plots, Measures # Load package for plotting
# Ensure we are working in the root directory
# You may need to edit this for your own machine
const rootdir = @__DIR__
cd(joinpath(rootdir, ".."))
# Load source files
# Load data
= loadData("NZCOVID_AUG2021")
(Ct, w) = Date("2021-08-17") .+ Day.(0:181)
# Plot
bar(dates, Ct, size=(800,400), label=false, ylabel="Reported cases", xlabel="Date", title="NZ COVID-19 cases (local transmission only)", margins=3mm, color="#f25a2a")
EpiFilter in Julia
EpiFilter assumes that \(R_t\) follows a Gaussian random walk with standard deviation at time-step \(t\) equal to \(\eta\sqrt{R_{t-1}}\). This notebook:
- Demonstrates how to fit EpiFilter with a fixed value of \(\eta\)
- How to find the posterior distribution of \(\eta\)
- How to marginalise out \(\eta\) to present robust estimates of \(R_t\)
- How to find the predictive distribution for reported cases
- How to calculate predictive coverage and scoring rule values
All code can be found in the /src/
folder of the GitHub repository. We recommend cloning this repository and then opening EpiFilter.ipynb
in your preferred Jupyter notebook environment.
Setting up
First, we need to load the necessary source code and data. We will use data from the 2021 August outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in Aotearoa New Zealand. The serial interval is assumed to be gamma-distributed with mean 6.5 days and standard deviation 4.2 days (Parag, Cowling, and Donnelly 2021; Ferguson et al. 2020).
Fitting default EpiFilter
We can fit the default EpiFilter model (with \(\eta = 0.1\)) using the EpiFilter(η, w, Ct)
# Fit the model
= LinRange(0.01, 10, 1000)
Rgrid = EpiFilterForwards(0.1, w, Ct, Rgrid)
(pRt, _, _)
# Extract mean and 95% credible interval
= calculateResults(pRt, Rgrid)
(m, med, l, u)
# Plot output
= plot(dates[3:end], m[3:end], ribbon=(m[3:end]-l[3:end], u[3:end]-m[3:end]), fillalpha=0.3, label=false, ylabel="Reproduction number", xlabel="Date", size=(600,300), color="#13643f") plotR
Side-note: we also provide a function EpiFilterBackwards()
which runs the backward-smoother version of EpiFilter. As our focus is on real-time estimation, we will not use this function in this notebook.
Likelihood and posterior distribution for \(\eta\)
To find the posterior distribution of \(\eta\), we run the model on a grid of values to estimate the likelihood, and normalise with respect to a prior distribution (in this case we use a uniform prior distribution on \((0, 1)\)). This takes approximately 1 minute on a 2021 MacBook Pro.
= LinRange(0.001, 1, 1000) # The values of η to consider
ηgrid 0 = ones(length(ηgrid))/length(ηgrid) # A uniform prior on η
pη= EpiFilterRunAllη(w, Ct, Rgrid, pη0, ηgrid; windin=3, showProgress=false)
(pη, pRgivenη, pRupgivenη) plot(ηgrid, pη[:,end], label=false, xlabel="η", ylabel="Posterior probability", size=(600,300))
Marginal posterior distribution for \(R_t\)
We already have all the ingredients we need to find the marginal posterior distribution for \(R_t\). We can use the EpiFilterMarginalPosterior()
function to do this.
= EpiFilterMarginalPosterior(pη, pRgivenη)
pR = calculateResults(pR, Rgrid)
(m, med, l, u) = plot!(plotR, dates[3:end], m[3:end], ribbon=(m[3:end]-l[3:end], u[3:end]-m[3:end]), fillalpha=0.3, label="Marginalised", ylabel="Reproduction number", xlabel="Days since 17 August 2021", size=(600,300)) plotR
Predictive distributions
We also have all the ingredients required for the predictive distributions:
= 0:(10*maximum(Ct))
# Default
= EpiFilterConditionalPredictive(0.1, w, Ct, Rgrid, Cgrid)
pCdefault = calculateResults(pCdefault, Cgrid)
(m, med, l, u) = mean((l[4:end] .<= Ct[4:end]) .& (Ct[4:end] .<= u[4:end]))
default_coverage = plot(4:length(m), m[4:end], ribbon=(m[4:end]-l[4:end], u[4:end]-m[4:end]), label="Default", ylabel="Reported cases", xlabel="Days")
# Marginalised
= EpiFilterMarginalPredictive(pη, pRupgivenη, w, Ct, Rgrid, Cgrid)
pC = calculateResults(pC, Cgrid)
(m, med, l, u) = mean((l[4:end] .<= Ct[4:end]) .& (Ct[4:end] .<= u[4:end]))
marginal_coverage plot!(plotCases, 4:length(m), m[4:end], ribbon=(m[4:end]-l[4:end], u[4:end]-m[4:end]), label="Marginalised")
# Also show the observed data
scatter!(plotCases, 1:length(Ct), Ct, label="Observed", color=:black, markersize=1.5)
Predictive coverage and scoring rules
Calculating predictive coverage:
println("Predictive coverage of default EpiFilter = $(round(100*default_coverage))%")
println("Predictive coverage of marginalised EpiFilter = $(round(100*marginal_coverage))%")
Predictive coverage of default EpiFilter = 97.0%
Predictive coverage of marginalised EpiFilter = 98.0%
and the CRPS (lower is better) for each model:
= CRPS(cumsum(pCdefault, dims=1), Cgrid, Ct, windin=3)
default_crps = CRPS(cumsum(pC, dims=1), Cgrid, Ct, windin=3)
println("CRPS of default EpiFilter = $(default_crps)")
println("CRPS of marginalised EpiFilter = $(marginalised_crps)")
CRPS of default EpiFilter = 6.765280808555216
CRPS of marginalised EpiFilter = 6.54316604914828