using Plots, Measures
= loadData("NZCOVID") Y
using Plots, Measures
= loadData("NZCOVID") Y
Observation noise is frequently highlighted as…
All five models introduced below leverage the same state-space model:
\[ \begin{align} \log R_t | \log R_{t-1} &\sim \text{Normal}(\log R_{t-1}, \sigma) \\ I_t | R_t, I_{1:t-1} &\sim \text{Poisson}(R_t \Lambda_t) \end{align} \tag{9.1}\]
and differ only in the observation model.
If we assume that each case has an independent probability of being reported, we can model \(C_t\) using a Binomial distributon: \[ C_t | I_t \sim \text{Binomial}\left(I_t, \ \rho\right) \tag{9.2}\]
The reporting rate \(\rho\) is not identifiable from reported case data alone1, so must be set by the user. We use \(\rho = 0.5\) below as an example. This model thus has the same number of parameters as the basic model (one parameter, \(\sigma\)). The hidden-state model can be written as:
function underreportingModel(σ, Y::DataFrame, opts::Dict)
# Specify reporting rate
= 0.5
# Extract frequently used options
= opts["T"]
T = opts["N"]
N = opts["L"]
# Initialise output matrices
= zeros(N, T)
R = zeros(N, T)
I = zeros(N, T)
# Sample from initial distributions
:,1] = rand.(opts["pR0"], N)
R[:,1] = rand.(opts["pI0"], N)
# Run the filter
for tt = 2:T
# Project according to the state-space model
:,tt] = exp.(rand.(Normal.(log.(R[:,tt-1]), σ)))
R[= sum(I[:, (tt-1):-1:1] .* ω[1:(tt-1)]', dims=2)
Λ :,tt] = rand.(Poisson.(R[:,tt] .* Λ))
# Weight according to the observation model
:,tt] = pdf.(Binomial.(I[:,tt], ρ), Y.Ct[tt])
# Resample
= wsample(1:N, W[:,tt], N; replace=true)
inds :, max(tt - L, 1):tt] = R[inds, max(tt - L, 1):tt]
R[:, max(tt - L, 1):tt] = I[inds, max(tt - L, 1):tt]
# Store output as three-dimensional array
= zeros(N, T, 2)
X :,:,1] = R
X[:,:,2] = I
return(X, W)
and we also set model options:
# Bootstrap filter options
= Dict()
opts "T"] = 100
opts["N"] = 1000
opts["L"] = 50
opts["pR0"] = Uniform(0, 10)
opts["pI0"] = DiscreteUniform(1, 5)
opts[= pdf.(Gamma(2.36, 2.74), 1:100)
ω "ω"] = ω / sum(ω)
# PMMH options
"nChains"] = 3
opts["chunkSize"] = 100
opts["maxChunks"] = 10
opts["maxRhat"] = 1.05
opts["minESS"] = 100
opts["showEpochProgress"] = false
opts["paramPriors"] = [Uniform(0, 1)]
opts["initialParamSamplers"] = [Uniform(0.1, 0.3)]
opts["propStdDevInit"] = [0.1]
opts["paramLimits"] = [(0, 1)]
# Posterior options
"posteriorNumberOfParticles"] = 10000
opts["posteriorParamSamples"] = 10
opts["stateNames"] = ["Rt", "It"]
opts["paramNames"] = ["sigma"] opts[
Then we can use fitModel()
to run the PMMH algorithm and return the marginalised estimates of \(R_t\):
= fitModel(underreportingModel, Y, opts) (df_states, df_params, diag)
= df_states[df_states.variable .== "Rt",:]
df_R = df_states[df_states.variable .== "It",:]
= plot(, df_R.mean, ribbon=(df_R.mean-df_R.lower, df_R.upper-df_R.mean), label=false, color=:darkgreen, xlabel="Date", ylabel="Reproduction number")
plotR = scatter(, df_I.mean, yerror=(df_I.mean-df_I.lower, df_I.upper-df_I.mean), label=false, color=:darkgreen, xlabel="Date", ylabel="Infection incidence", markersize=2)
plotI plot(plotR, plotI, layout=(2,1), size=(800,400), margins=3mm)
In Section 9.1, we assumed a pre-determined reporting rate \(\rho\), naturally introducing some reporting noise. Without additional information this parameter is not (typically) identifiable. If we do not want to assume a value of \(\rho\), a popular distribution for modelling (potentially) overdispersed data is the negative binomial:
\[ C_t | I_t \sim \text{Negative binomial}\left(r = \frac{I_t}{k}, p=\frac{1}{1 + k} \right) \]
which has mean \(I_t\) and variance \((1+k) I_t\), where \(k\) is a dispersion parameter. This results in two parameters to be estimated: \(\sigma\) and \(k\).
function overdispersedModel(θ, Y::DataFrame, opts::Dict)
# Extract frequently used options
= opts["T"]
T = opts["N"]
N = opts["L"]
# Initialise output matrices
= zeros(N, T)
R = zeros(N, T)
I = zeros(N, T)
# Sample from initial distributions
:,1] = rand.(opts["pR0"], N)
R[:,1] = rand.(opts["pI0"], N)
# Run the filter
for tt = 2:T
# Project according to the state-space model
:,tt] = exp.(rand.(Normal.(log.(R[:,tt-1]), θ[1])))
R[= sum(I[:, (tt-1):-1:1] .* ω[1:(tt-1)]', dims=2)
Λ :,tt] = rand.(Poisson.(R[:,tt] .* Λ))
# Weight according to the observation model
= I[:,tt] / θ[2]
r = 1 / (1 + θ[2])
p :,tt] = fastNegativeBinomialPDF(Y.Ct[tt], r, p)
# Resample
= wsample(1:N, W[:,tt], N; replace=true)
inds :, max(tt - L, 1):tt] = R[inds, max(tt - L, 1):tt]
R[:, max(tt - L, 1):tt] = I[inds, max(tt - L, 1):tt]
# Store output as three-dimensional array
= zeros(N, T, 2)
X :,:,1] = R
X[:,:,2] = I
return(X, W)
# Particle filter options
= Dict()
opts "T"] = 100
opts["N"] = 1000
opts["L"] = 50
opts["pR0"] = Uniform(0, 10)
opts["pI0"] = DiscreteUniform(1, 5)
opts[= pdf.(Gamma(2.36, 2.74), 1:100)
ω "ω"] = ω / sum(ω)
# # Simple PMMH options
# opts["nPMMHSamples"] = 500
# opts["paramPriors"] = [Uniform(0, 1)]
# opts["initialParamSamplers"] = [Uniform(0.1, 0.3)]
# opts["proposalDists"] = [(x) -> Truncated(Normal(x, 0.12), 0, 1)]
# opts["nChains"] = 3
# PMMH options
"nChains"] = 3
opts["chunkSize"] = 100
opts["maxChunks"] = 10
opts["maxRhat"] = 1.1
opts["minESS"] = 100
opts["showEpochProgress"] = false
opts["paramPriors"] = [Uniform(0, 1), Uniform(0, 10)]
opts["initialParamSamplers"] = [Uniform(0.1, 0.3), Uniform(0.1, 0.5)]
opts["propStdDevInit"] = [0.05, 0.1]
opts["paramLimits"] = [(0, 1), (0, 10)]
# Posterior options
"posteriorNumberOfParticles"] = 10000
opts["posteriorParamSamples"] = 10
opts["stateNames"] = ["Rt", "It"]
opts["paramNames"] = ["sigma", "k"] opts[
Models involving reporting delays or day-of-the-week effects without stochasticity (that is, where \(C_t = f(I_{1:t})\) for some deterministic function \(f\)) will be highly inefficient. The observation distribution in such as a case takes values \(1\) (where \(C_t = f(I_{1:t})\)) or \(0\) (where \(C_t \neq f(I_{1:t})\)).
#TODO: See if we can still estiamte it purely from a allow-for-variance standpoint↩︎