Appendix A — Notation

Terms are presented in the order they are introduced, except where it makes sense to place similar terms near each other.

Term Definition
Filtering distribution The posterior distribution of hidden state \(x_t\) given observed data until time \(t\). Written \(P(x_t | y_{1:t})\).
Smoothing distribution The posterior distribution of hidden state \(x_t\) given all observed data. Written \(P(x_t|y_{1:T})\).
Symbol Definition
\(E[\cdot]\) The expectation operator.
\(C_t\) Reported cases on time-step \(t\).
\(I_t\) Infection incidence on time-step \(t\).
\(R_t\) The instantaneous reproduction number at time-step \(t\).
\(\omega_u\) The serial interval distribution. The probability that a secondary case was reported \(u\) days after the primary case.
\(g_u\) The generation time distribution. The probability that a secondary case was infected \(u\) days after the primary case.
\(\Lambda_t^c\) The force-of-infection derived from reported cases. Equals \(\sum_{u=1}^{u_{max}} C_{t-u} \omega_u\).
\(\Lambda_t\) The force-of-infection derived from infection incidence. Equals \(\sum_{u=1}^{u_{max}} I_{t-u} g_u\).
\(s:t\) Used as a subscript, refers to all indices between \(s\) and \(t\) (inclusive).